Å en till

...men sen räcker det för idag.

1. Have you ever thought about the possibility of suicide?
Inte på riktigt. Men jag har önskat att det vore slut av sig själv några gånger.

2. How many dogs have you owned in your life? What kind? What were their names?

3. In one word, what do most people describe you as?

4. Do you watch HouseMD? Why not?

5. What irritates you most about your neighbors?

6. Have you ever called someone in for some sort of abuse or neglect on humans, animals or property?

7. What color is the sky in your world?

8. Did you see those 2 planets that everyone is talking about this week?
??? Fast om det här är en aktuell fråga så såg M och jag någ vitt och runt som lyste starkt när vi var på ICA.

9. Would you like to submit your own question for future Thursday Thunks?
Aha, då fattar jag varför hon har flera.

10. Do you have a skin condition? Are you gonna tell us what it is?
Tja, torr hy och lite allergieksem

11. Have you ever had an STD?
Me and the virgin Mary both

12. Do you do any crafts?
Inte så mycket som jag skulle vilja!

13. Peanut Butter & Jelly - what flavor is the jelly?

14. Stripes or polka-dots?

15. What accent drives you crazy? Is it a good crazy or a bad crazy?
Galen å galen, ingen i så fall.

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